Our Mission
Maine Environmental Laboratory performs analyses on samples of all kinds: drinking water, wastewater, soils, sludges, ashes, and more!
Our clients range from large scale industries and organizations with regulated discharge permits to homeowners who want to ensure their well water is safe to drink. We welcome all new and returning clients to our lab, and we will work with you to get you the data you’re looking for.
Please contact us to discuss any testing needs- we offer many testing packages and can work with you on custom projects, too.
We are nationally accredited for the following in-house analyses: |
Inorganics and Wet Chemistry Alkalinity as CaCO3 |
Metals Aluminum |
Bacteria E. coli For detailed list of methods and Click the analytes in blue for more information.
We also offer sub-contracted analyses including, but not limited to: |
VOCs, SVOCs VPH, EPH, TPH Herbicides, Pesticides PCBs TOX Methane Radon PFAS Cyanide Hexavalent Chromium Pentachlorophenol Asbestos And much more! |
Mon-Thurs: 8AM to 5PM
Fri: 8AM to 4PM
Tel: (207) 846-6569
Fax: (207) 846-9066
Email: info@mel-lab.com
1 Main Street
Yarmouth ME, 04096
How to Get Your Samples Tested at MEL:
Please call or email the lab if you are interested in testing. We will prepare a bottle kit for you to put your samples in. Once you return the samples to us, we will analyze them and send you a report via email (hardcopies available by request).
Need Guidance:
Homeowners- Please call or email the lab to order a testing kit. If you do not know what to test for, we recommend reaching out to the Maine CDC. They operate a toxicology consultation service to provide guidance based on homeowner concerns and locations. Call (866) 292-3474 or (207) 287-4311.
Industrial Clients- reach out to your waste manager or other governing agency to determine your testing needs.
Report Formats:
EDD, Excel, PDFs, STUTOX, custom
Turn-Around Time:
10 business days is standard.
Expedited service may be available (surcharges apply)
Certain analyses run faster. Call us for any timing concerns.
Containers and Coolers:
We provide sampling containers and loan coolers free of charge. Call or email us to order bottles for your sampling needs.